Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Exchange database store may not mount in Exchange Server 2003 or in Exchange 2000 Server, and event IDs 9175, 486, 455, 413, and 5 may be logged
When you try to mount a database on a server that is running Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server or on a server that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, you may receive the following error message:
An internal processing error has occurred. Try restarting the Exchange System Manager or the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, or both.
ID no: c1041724
Exchange System Manager
Additionally, the following events may be logged in the Application log:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeSA
Event Category: (14)
Event ID: 9175
Description: The MAPI call 'OpenMsgStore' failed with the following error: The Microsoft Exchange Server computer is not available. Either there are network problems or the Microsoft Exchange Server computer is down for maintenance. The MAPI provider failed. Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store ID no: 8004011d-0526-00000000
Cause 1
Error 1811 corresponds to JET_errFileNotFound. This issue may occur in an Exchange log file that has a mismatching signature and LGeneration. Typically, the Exchange log file is the E00.log file. If the E00.log file has a mismatching signature, the information store might not mount even if the database is consistent. To resolve this issue, see the "Resolution 1" section.
Cause 2
This issue may occur if an antivirus program quarantines or deletes the current Exchange log file. To resolve this issue, see the "Resolution 2" section.
Cause 3
This issue may occur if the eseutil /p command was run on the affected databases and if the log files were not removed. To resolve this issue, see the "Resolution 3" section.
Cause 4
This issue may occur if you run the following command with an incorrect logfile base name, as in the following example:
eseutil /r three-character logfile base name
To resolve this issue, see the "Resolution 4" section.
Resolution 1
To resolve this issue, run the eseutil /mh command on all available databases in the corresponding storage group. If all databases are consistent, run the eseutil /ml command on the E00.log file. If there is a signature mismatch between the E00.log file and the recorded log signature in the database (eseutil /mh output), follow these steps:
1. Save your current log files.
2. Delete the E00.log file. When you mount the information store, a new E00.log file that has the correct signature and LGeneration is generated.
3. If you still cannot mount the information store, delete all transaction logs. These files include the Exx.log files and the Exxnnnnn.log files.
Resolution 2
1. Examine the configuration of the antivirus program. a. Make sure that the antivirus program is not configured to scan the Exchange Server directories.
b. By default, some antivirus programs are set to scan drives and directories weekly in a manual mode or in an automatic mode. This setting may be easily overlooked. Make sure that you add the Exchange Server directories to the excluded locations for the antivirus program. For more information about how to configure antivirus programs to work together with Exchange, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 823166 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823166/) Overview of Exchange Server 2003 and antivirus software
2. Review the log files of the antivirus program to verify whether the Exchange log file was quarantined or deleted.
3. Use one of the following methods to recover the Exchange log file.
Method 1: If the Exchange log file was quarantined
If the Exchange log file was quarantined, follow these steps:
a. Recover the Exchange log to the folder that contains your production log files.
b. Start the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. If no other log files are missing, the database mounts. If other log files are missing, see if the missing log files are located in the quarantine folder of the antivirus program. If the log files are not located in the quarantine folder, follow the steps that are described in the "Method 2: If the Exchange log file was deleted" section.
Method 2: If the Exchange log file was deleted
If the Exchange log file was deleted, you must restore the Storage Group database from a backup. Then, you must play through the log files. If you cannot restore the database from a backup, see the "Method 3: If you cannot restore the database from a backup" section. To restore an available database, follow these steps:
a. Move all inconsistent databases to a backup folder.
b. If a new E00.log file was created, move the new E00.log file to the backup folder. Additionally, move the E00.chk file to the backup folder.
c. Copy all existing log files to the backup folder.Note You must copy the log files. Do not move the log files.
d. Rename the last E00*.log file to E00.log.
e. Restore the database from a backup. Then, replay the log files. This brings the database to a consistent state. However, the database does not include the E00.log file that was copied to the backup folder. Although there is some data loss, you now have a database that can be mounted.
f. Start the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.
Method 3: If you cannot restore the database from a backup
If you cannot restore the database from a backup, you must run repair utilities against the database to bring the database to a consistent state. Then, follow the steps that are described in the "Method 2: If the Exchange log file was deleted" section.
Resolution 3
To determine whether the eseutil /p command was run, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. Type the following at the command prompt: c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\eseutil /mh "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\name of Exchange database.edb"Note This example assumes the following: • The Exchange Server program files were installed in the c:\program files\exchsrvr folder.
• Your database is in the c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata folder.
3. Read the repair count attribute. If the repair count attribute is 0 (zero), the eseutil /p command was not run. If the repair count attribute is a number other than 0, the eseutil /p command was run on the database.
If the public and private databases are in a consistent or clean shutdown state, you can move the transaction log files to another folder. To determine whether the databases are in a consistent or clean shutdown state, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. To examine the private information store, type the following: c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin>eseutil /mh "drive:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb"
3. To examine the public information store, type the following: c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin>eseutil /mh "drive:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\pub1.edb"Note These examples assumes the following: • The Exchange Server program files were installed in the c:\program files\exchsrvr folder.
• Your database is in the c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata folder.
4. Review the results of the consistency check. If a database is consistent (state = clean shutdown), all the log files have been committed to the information store. If the database is not consistent (state = dirty shutdown), the database may not be corrupted. The log files may not have been committed to the database yet.
5. If the state reports clean shutdown, move all the log files from all the mdbdata directories to a backup folder.
6. Mount the databases.
An internal processing error has occurred. Try restarting the Exchange System Manager or the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, or both.
ID no: c1041724
Exchange System Manager
Additionally, the following events may be logged in the Application log:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeSA
Event Category: (14)
Event ID: 9175
Description: The MAPI call 'OpenMsgStore' failed with the following error: The Microsoft Exchange Server computer is not available. Either there are network problems or the Microsoft Exchange Server computer is down for maintenance. The MAPI provider failed. Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store ID no: 8004011d-0526-00000000
Cause 1
Error 1811 corresponds to JET_errFileNotFound. This issue may occur in an Exchange log file that has a mismatching signature and LGeneration. Typically, the Exchange log file is the E00.log file. If the E00.log file has a mismatching signature, the information store might not mount even if the database is consistent. To resolve this issue, see the "Resolution 1" section.
Cause 2
This issue may occur if an antivirus program quarantines or deletes the current Exchange log file. To resolve this issue, see the "Resolution 2" section.
Cause 3
This issue may occur if the eseutil /p command was run on the affected databases and if the log files were not removed. To resolve this issue, see the "Resolution 3" section.
Cause 4
This issue may occur if you run the following command with an incorrect logfile base name, as in the following example:
eseutil /r three-character logfile base name
To resolve this issue, see the "Resolution 4" section.
Resolution 1
To resolve this issue, run the eseutil /mh command on all available databases in the corresponding storage group. If all databases are consistent, run the eseutil /ml command on the E00.log file. If there is a signature mismatch between the E00.log file and the recorded log signature in the database (eseutil /mh output), follow these steps:
1. Save your current log files.
2. Delete the E00.log file. When you mount the information store, a new E00.log file that has the correct signature and LGeneration is generated.
3. If you still cannot mount the information store, delete all transaction logs. These files include the Exx.log files and the Exxnnnnn.log files.
Resolution 2
1. Examine the configuration of the antivirus program. a. Make sure that the antivirus program is not configured to scan the Exchange Server directories.
b. By default, some antivirus programs are set to scan drives and directories weekly in a manual mode or in an automatic mode. This setting may be easily overlooked. Make sure that you add the Exchange Server directories to the excluded locations for the antivirus program. For more information about how to configure antivirus programs to work together with Exchange, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 823166 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823166/) Overview of Exchange Server 2003 and antivirus software
2. Review the log files of the antivirus program to verify whether the Exchange log file was quarantined or deleted.
3. Use one of the following methods to recover the Exchange log file.
Method 1: If the Exchange log file was quarantined
If the Exchange log file was quarantined, follow these steps:
a. Recover the Exchange log to the folder that contains your production log files.
b. Start the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. If no other log files are missing, the database mounts. If other log files are missing, see if the missing log files are located in the quarantine folder of the antivirus program. If the log files are not located in the quarantine folder, follow the steps that are described in the "Method 2: If the Exchange log file was deleted" section.
Method 2: If the Exchange log file was deleted
If the Exchange log file was deleted, you must restore the Storage Group database from a backup. Then, you must play through the log files. If you cannot restore the database from a backup, see the "Method 3: If you cannot restore the database from a backup" section. To restore an available database, follow these steps:
a. Move all inconsistent databases to a backup folder.
b. If a new E00.log file was created, move the new E00.log file to the backup folder. Additionally, move the E00.chk file to the backup folder.
c. Copy all existing log files to the backup folder.Note You must copy the log files. Do not move the log files.
d. Rename the last E00*.log file to E00.log.
e. Restore the database from a backup. Then, replay the log files. This brings the database to a consistent state. However, the database does not include the E00.log file that was copied to the backup folder. Although there is some data loss, you now have a database that can be mounted.
f. Start the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.
Method 3: If you cannot restore the database from a backup
If you cannot restore the database from a backup, you must run repair utilities against the database to bring the database to a consistent state. Then, follow the steps that are described in the "Method 2: If the Exchange log file was deleted" section.
Resolution 3
To determine whether the eseutil /p command was run, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. Type the following at the command prompt: c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\eseutil /mh "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\name of Exchange database.edb"Note This example assumes the following: • The Exchange Server program files were installed in the c:\program files\exchsrvr folder.
• Your database is in the c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata folder.
3. Read the repair count attribute. If the repair count attribute is 0 (zero), the eseutil /p command was not run. If the repair count attribute is a number other than 0, the eseutil /p command was run on the database.
If the public and private databases are in a consistent or clean shutdown state, you can move the transaction log files to another folder. To determine whether the databases are in a consistent or clean shutdown state, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. To examine the private information store, type the following: c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin>eseutil /mh "drive:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb"
3. To examine the public information store, type the following: c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin>eseutil /mh "drive:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\pub1.edb"Note These examples assumes the following: • The Exchange Server program files were installed in the c:\program files\exchsrvr folder.
• Your database is in the c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata folder.
4. Review the results of the consistency check. If a database is consistent (state = clean shutdown), all the log files have been committed to the information store. If the database is not consistent (state = dirty shutdown), the database may not be corrupted. The log files may not have been committed to the database yet.
5. If the state reports clean shutdown, move all the log files from all the mdbdata directories to a backup folder.
6. Mount the databases.
How to move Exchange databases and logs in Exchange Server 2003
If you want to move log files or database files to another drive, use the following procedures.
To move log files
1. Start Exchange System Manager.
2. Click Administrative Groups. Note If Administrative Groups does not appear, it may not be turned on. To turn on Administrative Groups, right-click Exchange Organization in Exchange System Manager, and then click Properties. Click to select the Display Administrative Groups check box.
3. Locate the storage group where you want to change log file paths, right-click the storage group, and then click Properties.
4. Click the General tab, click the Browse button next to the Transaction log location box, and then specify the new drive or folder location for the log files.
To move databases
1. Start Exchange System Manager.
2. Open the administrative group that contains the database that you want to change.
3. Under Storage Group, right-click the mailbox store or the public folder store that you want to change, and then click Properties.
4. Click the Database tab.
5. Next to the database that you want to change, click Browse, and then specify a new drive or folder location for the files. Notes • With the databases, you can decide to move the Exchange Database (.edb file), the Exchange Streaming Database (.stm file), or both.
• If the databases are still mounted, you receive the following message: You are about to perform the following operation(s): - change Exchange database locationTo perform the requested operation(s), the store must be temporarily dismounted which will make it inaccessible to any user.Do you want to continue? Click Yes to dismount the database automatically and move the location.
6. When you finish moving the databases, remount the databases manually.
You can move the log files and database files to any folder that you want to create. When you move logs and database files, you may want to create the Exchsrvr\Mdbdata file structure for consistency reasons, but you are not obligated to do so.
You must grant the following default permissions to the new Mdbdata folder that contains the log files and database files:
• Administrators: Full Control
• Authenticated Users: Read and Execute, List Folder Contents, Read
• Creator Owner: None
• Server Operators: Modify, Read and Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, Write
• System: Full Control
Note Only assign permissions to the Server Operators group if the Exchange server is a domain controller. Otherwise, assign permissions to the Power Users group. Only domain controllers should have permissions to the built-in Server Operators group. Stand-alone and member servers should have permissions to the built-in Power Users group.
You may also have to grant the following permissions to the root drive that contains the new Mdbdata folder:
• System: Full Control
During the process of moving log files and database files, your store is temporarily dismounted. Because the store is temporarily dismounted, it is inaccessible to your users until the process is completed. Moving log files or database files invalidates all existing incremental and differential backups; therefore, make a full backup after these changes.
To move log files
1. Start Exchange System Manager.
2. Click Administrative Groups. Note If Administrative Groups does not appear, it may not be turned on. To turn on Administrative Groups, right-click Exchange Organization in Exchange System Manager, and then click Properties. Click to select the Display Administrative Groups check box.
3. Locate the storage group where you want to change log file paths, right-click the storage group, and then click Properties.
4. Click the General tab, click the Browse button next to the Transaction log location box, and then specify the new drive or folder location for the log files.
To move databases
1. Start Exchange System Manager.
2. Open the administrative group that contains the database that you want to change.
3. Under Storage Group, right-click the mailbox store or the public folder store that you want to change, and then click Properties.
4. Click the Database tab.
5. Next to the database that you want to change, click Browse, and then specify a new drive or folder location for the files. Notes • With the databases, you can decide to move the Exchange Database (.edb file), the Exchange Streaming Database (.stm file), or both.
• If the databases are still mounted, you receive the following message: You are about to perform the following operation(s): - change Exchange database locationTo perform the requested operation(s), the store must be temporarily dismounted which will make it inaccessible to any user.Do you want to continue? Click Yes to dismount the database automatically and move the location.
6. When you finish moving the databases, remount the databases manually.
You can move the log files and database files to any folder that you want to create. When you move logs and database files, you may want to create the Exchsrvr\Mdbdata file structure for consistency reasons, but you are not obligated to do so.
You must grant the following default permissions to the new Mdbdata folder that contains the log files and database files:
• Administrators: Full Control
• Authenticated Users: Read and Execute, List Folder Contents, Read
• Creator Owner: None
• Server Operators: Modify, Read and Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, Write
• System: Full Control
Note Only assign permissions to the Server Operators group if the Exchange server is a domain controller. Otherwise, assign permissions to the Power Users group. Only domain controllers should have permissions to the built-in Server Operators group. Stand-alone and member servers should have permissions to the built-in Power Users group.
You may also have to grant the following permissions to the root drive that contains the new Mdbdata folder:
• System: Full Control
During the process of moving log files and database files, your store is temporarily dismounted. Because the store is temporarily dismounted, it is inaccessible to your users until the process is completed. Moving log files or database files invalidates all existing incremental and differential backups; therefore, make a full backup after these changes.
How to do the offline defragmentation of Exchange database with the Eseutil utility
You can use the Eseutil utility to defragment the information store and directory in Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 and to defragment the information store in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. Eseutil examines the structure of the database tables and records (which can include reading, scanning, repairing, and defragmenting) the low level of the database (Ese.dll).
The defragmentation option makes used storage contiguous, eliminates unused storage, and compacts the database, which reduces the database's size. Eseutil copies database records to a new database. When defragmentation is complete, the original database is deleted or saved to a user-specified location, and the new version is renamed as the original. If the utility encounters a bad record, the utility stops and displays an error message.
Defragmenting an Exchange Server 5.5 database
Note Defragmenting a database requires free disk space equal to 110 percent of the size of the database that you want to process.
1. Stop the service of the database you wish to defragment by using the Services tool in Control Panel. • For the Exchange Directory database, stop the Microsoft Exchange Directory service.
• For the Exchange Mailbox or Public Folder databases, stop the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.
2. At the command prompt, change to the Winnt\System32 folder, and then type the eseutil /d command, a database switch, and any options that you want to use.
For example, the following command runs the standard defragmentation utility on the directory and saves the copy in the user-defined file:
C:\winnt\system32> eseutil /d /ds /tc:\dbback\tempdfrg.edb /p
Use one of the following database switches to run Eseutil on a specific database.
Option Description
/ds Directory
/ispriv Private information store
/ispub Public information store
Use one or more of the following options to specify the operations that you want to perform on the database.
Option Description
/b Makes a backup copy of the original uncompacted database
at the specified location.
/p Retains and preserves the original uncompacted database
in its original location and stores the new compacted
database in the default file Exchsrvr\Bin\Tempdfrg.edb.
/t Creates and renames the new compacted database in the
specified path.
/o Does not display the Microsoft Exchange Server banner.
Defragmenting an Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 database
Note Defragmenting a database requires free disk space equal to 110 percent of the size of the database being processed.
1. In Exchange System Manager, right-click the information store that you want to defragment, and then click Dismount Store.
2. At the command prompt, change to the Exchsrvr\Bin folder, and then type the eseutil /d command, a database switch, and any options that you want to use.
For example, the following command runs the standard defragmentation utility on a mailbox store database:
C:\program files\exchsrvr\bin> eseutil /d c:\progra~1\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb
Use the following database switch to run Eseutil defragmentation on a specific database:
eseutil /d [options]
Performs off-line compaction of a database.
Syntax: eseutil /d [options]
Parameters: is the file name of the database that you want to compact.
You are not required to use any of the following options, but you can use one or more (separated by a space) to specify the operations that you want to perform on the database.
Option Description
/b Make a backup copy under the specified name
/t Set the temporary database name (the default is
/s Set the streaming file name (the default is NONE)
/f Set the temporary streaming file name (the default
is Tempdfrg.stm)
/p Preserve the temporary database (in other words,
do not instate)
/o Suppress logo
/i Do not defragment streaming file
Note If instating is disabled (for example, if you use the /p option), the original database is preserved uncompacted, and the temporary database contains the defragmented version of the database.
The defragmentation option makes used storage contiguous, eliminates unused storage, and compacts the database, which reduces the database's size. Eseutil copies database records to a new database. When defragmentation is complete, the original database is deleted or saved to a user-specified location, and the new version is renamed as the original. If the utility encounters a bad record, the utility stops and displays an error message.
Defragmenting an Exchange Server 5.5 database
Note Defragmenting a database requires free disk space equal to 110 percent of the size of the database that you want to process.
1. Stop the service of the database you wish to defragment by using the Services tool in Control Panel. • For the Exchange Directory database, stop the Microsoft Exchange Directory service.
• For the Exchange Mailbox or Public Folder databases, stop the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.
2. At the command prompt, change to the Winnt\System32 folder, and then type the eseutil /d command, a database switch, and any options that you want to use.
For example, the following command runs the standard defragmentation utility on the directory and saves the copy in the user-defined file:
C:\winnt\system32> eseutil /d /ds /tc:\dbback\tempdfrg.edb /p
Use one of the following database switches to run Eseutil on a specific database.
Option Description
/ds Directory
/ispriv Private information store
/ispub Public information store
Use one or more of the following options to specify the operations that you want to perform on the database.
Option Description
at the specified location.
/p Retains and preserves the original uncompacted database
in its original location and stores the new compacted
database in the default file Exchsrvr\Bin\Tempdfrg.edb.
specified path.
/o Does not display the Microsoft Exchange Server banner.
Defragmenting an Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 database
Note Defragmenting a database requires free disk space equal to 110 percent of the size of the database being processed.
1. In Exchange System Manager, right-click the information store that you want to defragment, and then click Dismount Store.
2. At the command prompt, change to the Exchsrvr\Bin folder, and then type the eseutil /d command, a database switch, and any options that you want to use.
For example, the following command runs the standard defragmentation utility on a mailbox store database:
C:\program files\exchsrvr\bin> eseutil /d c:\progra~1\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb
Use the following database switch to run Eseutil defragmentation on a specific database:
eseutil /d
Performs off-line compaction of a database.
Syntax: eseutil /d
You are not required to use any of the following options, but you can use one or more (separated by a space) to specify the operations that you want to perform on the database.
Option Description
is Tempdfrg.stm)
/p Preserve the temporary database (in other words,
do not instate)
/o Suppress logo
/i Do not defragment streaming file
Note If instating is disabled (for example, if you use the /p option), the original database is preserved uncompacted, and the temporary database contains the defragmented version of the database.
Exchange Server Mailbox Store does not mount when the Mailbox Store database reaches the 16-GB limit
When the mailbox store database in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition or Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Standard Edition reaches the 16-gigabyte (GB) size limit, the mailbox store does not mount. Additionally, the following event ID messages may be logged in the application event log:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 1112
Description: The database "Mailbox Store (Server Name)" has reached the maximum allowed size. Attempting to unmount the database.
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: ESE
Event Category: Space Management
Event ID: 445
Description: Information Store (3160) The database D:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA\priv1.edb has reached its maximum size of 16383 MB. If the database cannot be restarted, an offline defragmentation may be performed to reduce its size.
Note Although the description for event ID 445 states that the Priv1.edb file has reached a size of 16,383 megabytes (MB), this may not be true. Event ID 445 is triggered if the combined size of the Priv1.edb file and the Priv1.stm file reaches 16,383 MB. The Priv1.edb file by itself may be smaller than 16,383 MB.
To resolve this issue, new functionality has been added to Exchange 2000 Standard Edition that allows an administrator to:
• Temporarily increase the database size limit by 1 GB.
• Selectively remove unnecessary database content.
• Defragment the database to reduce the database to a level that is in the defined boundaries of the database size.
In Exchange 2003, the functionality to temporarily increase the database size limit by 1 GB is built into the product. However, to enable this functionality, the administrator must create the new registry value that is mentioned in step 1 of the procedure in this article.
To resolve this issue in Exchange 2000, you can apply the September 2003 Exchange 2000 Server Post-Service Pack 3 Rollup. This update requires that you install Exchange 2000 Service Pack (SP3) and install the 813051 update on your server. Then the administrator must create the new registry value to enable this feature.
For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
824282 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824282/) September 2003 Exchange 2000 Server Post-Service Pack 3 Rollup
After you make the registry change that is described in the following procedure, you can temporarily mount a mailbox store that exceeds the 16-GB limit. This is only a temporary solution. The next time that the Exchange services are started, the size limit reverts to 16 GB. You must reduce the size of your database before the size limit reverts to 16 GB. To reduce the size of your database:
1. Remove database content.
2. Let online maintenance run against the database.
3. Run an offline defragmentation of the database.
To reduce the size of your database, follow these steps:
Warning: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
Note The registry value in this procedure is designed to be used to temporarily increase the size limit of the mailbox store database. It is not to be used in day-to-day operations.
1. Add the Temporary DB Size Limit Extension registry entry to the computer that is running Exchange 2003 Standard Edition or Exchange 2000 Standard Edition: a. Open Registry Editor. To do this, click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
b. Locate the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\\Private-
c. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
d. Type Temporary DB Size Limit Extension, and then press ENTER.
e. Double-click Temporary DB Size Limit Extension.
f. Type 1 in the Value data box, click Decimal in the Base box, and then click
g. Close Registry Editor.
2. To prevent new e-mail content from being added to the mailbox store beyond the temporary 17-GB limit during the recovery process, Microsoft strongly recommends that you stop the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service and the Microsoft Exchange MTA Stacks service (if it is running) before you mount the mailbox store.
3. Mount your mailbox store.
4. Remove data from your mailbox store. To do this, use any of these methods: • Use Microsoft Outlook to delete unnecessary e-mail items from individual inboxes and other folders.
• Use Outlook to delete unnecessary e-mail items from the Sent Items folder.
• Use Outlook to empty the Deleted Items folder.
• If deleted item retention is set, you may want to temporarily reduce retention to zero (0) days: a. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
b. Right-click Mailbox Store, and then click Properties.
c. Click the Limits tab, and then type 0 in the Keep deleted items for days box.
• Delete mailboxes that are no longer used.
• Use the Move Mailbox tool to move mailboxes to a mailbox store that is on another Exchange server.
• Have users create personal folder (.pst) files on their local hard drives and then archive content from the mailbox store database to their local hard drives.
5. After you remove data from your mailbox store, you must let online maintenance run so that items are marked for permanent deletion before you run an offline defragmentation.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 1112
Description: The database "Mailbox Store (Server Name)" has reached the maximum allowed size. Attempting to unmount the database.
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: ESE
Event Category: Space Management
Event ID: 445
Description: Information Store (3160) The database D:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA\priv1.edb has reached its maximum size of 16383 MB. If the database cannot be restarted, an offline defragmentation may be performed to reduce its size.
Note Although the description for event ID 445 states that the Priv1.edb file has reached a size of 16,383 megabytes (MB), this may not be true. Event ID 445 is triggered if the combined size of the Priv1.edb file and the Priv1.stm file reaches 16,383 MB. The Priv1.edb file by itself may be smaller than 16,383 MB.
To resolve this issue, new functionality has been added to Exchange 2000 Standard Edition that allows an administrator to:
• Temporarily increase the database size limit by 1 GB.
• Selectively remove unnecessary database content.
• Defragment the database to reduce the database to a level that is in the defined boundaries of the database size.
In Exchange 2003, the functionality to temporarily increase the database size limit by 1 GB is built into the product. However, to enable this functionality, the administrator must create the new registry value that is mentioned in step 1 of the procedure in this article.
To resolve this issue in Exchange 2000, you can apply the September 2003 Exchange 2000 Server Post-Service Pack 3 Rollup. This update requires that you install Exchange 2000 Service Pack (SP3) and install the 813051 update on your server. Then the administrator must create the new registry value to enable this feature.
For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
824282 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824282/) September 2003 Exchange 2000 Server Post-Service Pack 3 Rollup
After you make the registry change that is described in the following procedure, you can temporarily mount a mailbox store that exceeds the 16-GB limit. This is only a temporary solution. The next time that the Exchange services are started, the size limit reverts to 16 GB. You must reduce the size of your database before the size limit reverts to 16 GB. To reduce the size of your database:
1. Remove database content.
2. Let online maintenance run against the database.
3. Run an offline defragmentation of the database.
To reduce the size of your database, follow these steps:
Warning: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
Note The registry value in this procedure is designed to be used to temporarily increase the size limit of the mailbox store database. It is not to be used in day-to-day operations.
1. Add the Temporary DB Size Limit Extension registry entry to the computer that is running Exchange 2003 Standard Edition or Exchange 2000 Standard Edition: a. Open Registry Editor. To do this, click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
b. Locate the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\
c. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
d. Type Temporary DB Size Limit Extension, and then press ENTER.
e. Double-click Temporary DB Size Limit Extension.
f. Type 1 in the Value data box, click Decimal in the Base box, and then click
g. Close Registry Editor.
2. To prevent new e-mail content from being added to the mailbox store beyond the temporary 17-GB limit during the recovery process, Microsoft strongly recommends that you stop the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service and the Microsoft Exchange MTA Stacks service (if it is running) before you mount the mailbox store.
3. Mount your mailbox store.
4. Remove data from your mailbox store. To do this, use any of these methods: • Use Microsoft Outlook to delete unnecessary e-mail items from individual inboxes and other folders.
• Use Outlook to delete unnecessary e-mail items from the Sent Items folder.
• Use Outlook to empty the Deleted Items folder.
• If deleted item retention is set, you may want to temporarily reduce retention to zero (0) days: a. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
b. Right-click Mailbox Store, and then click Properties.
c. Click the Limits tab, and then type 0 in the Keep deleted items for days box.
• Delete mailboxes that are no longer used.
• Use the Move Mailbox tool to move mailboxes to a mailbox store that is on another Exchange server.
• Have users create personal folder (.pst) files on their local hard drives and then archive content from the mailbox store database to their local hard drives.
5. After you remove data from your mailbox store, you must let online maintenance run so that items are marked for permanent deletion before you run an offline defragmentation.